Ovaris -- Càncer
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
gener 2023 |
Could unnecessary surgeries for suspected ovarian cancer be avoided in women with a pathogenic mutation in the BRCA1/2 genes? |
Ràfols Pérez, Maria
gener 2024 |
Can prophylactic rehabilitation reduce the occurrence of lower limb lymphedema in patients with gynecologic malignances?: a multicenter, controlled, open-label, randomized clinical trial |
Mariño Pérez, Marta
Evaluation of prognostic and predictive significance of circulating MicroRNAs in ovarian cancer patients |
Halvorsen, Ann Rita
; Kristensen, Gunnar
; Embleton, Andy
; Adusei, Cybil
; Barretina Ginesta, Maria Pilar
; Beale, Philip
; Helland, Åslaug
Evaluation of prognostic and predictive significance of circulating MicroRNAs in ovarian cancer patients |
Halvorsen, Ann Rita
; Kristensen, Gunnar
; Embleton, Andy
; Adusei, Cybil
; Barretina Ginesta, Maria Pilar
; Beale, Philip
; Helland, Åslaug
1 juny 2018 |
Evaluation of prognostic and predictive significance of circulating MicroRNAs in ovarian cancer patients |
5 juny 2018 |
Evaluation of prognostic and predictive significance of circulating MicroRNAs in ovarian cancer patients |
Halvorsen, Ann Rita
; Kristensen, Gunnar
; Embleton, Andy
; Adusei, Cybil
; Barretina Ginesta, Maria Pilar
; Beale, Philip
; Helland, Åslaug
15 febrer 2017 |
Evaluation of prognostic and predictive significance of circulating MicroRNAs in ovarian cancer patients |
Halvorsen, Ann Rita
; Kristensen, Gunnar
; Embleton, Andy
; Adusei, Cybil
; Barretina-Ginesta, Maria-Pilar
; Beale, Philip
; Helland, Åslaug
gener 2019 |
Long-term effects of opportunistic salpingectomy on the ovarian funcion: a prospective cohort study |
Bouarich, Oumayma
juliol 2023 |
Ovarian cancer and oral contraceptives : a systematic review |
López de Recalde Sanfeliu, Laia
novembre 2023 |
Prexasertib and Olaparib: overcoming PARPi resistance in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma |
Ramirez de Cartagena i Fuentes, Mariona